Cleanse Yourself and Grow Spiritually
Are You Spiritually Dehydrated? – Read These Spiritual Disciplines
These 12 ways will help you to cleanse yourself and grow spiritually. Jesus will help you to do each one of these, so make sure you pray to Him and ask Him for guidance. If you should have any questions about any of these spiritual disciplines, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: – in the subject line please put “12 Ways”.
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1. Powerless Over Ourselves – Read More…
“How Can I Be Powerless Over Myself?” Our ways are different than God’s way. We are governed by our pride. We want things that will please our bodies and make our lives pleasant. We want the things of the world. This is our human nature, it’s the way our minds work.
2. Sanity or Insanity? – Read More…
Most of us like to think we are sane people right? We don’t act bizarre or we’re not in an institution, so we must be sane, right? Wrong. There’s a kind of insanity that, as we look through our carnal eyes we just don’t see. We usually look at insanity as people who lost touch with reality.
3. Your Will and Your Life – Read More…
You Did Accept Jesus As Your Personal Savior? When we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, did we not do this to save ourselves from damnation? Some of us chose Jesus because our life was a mess from trying to live it our way.
4. Take An Inventory Of Ourselves – Read More…
Our Behavior Is Pretty Much Ruled By Our Pride. Our emotions and our actions are of self-will. We want our lives to be in perfect order as WE would like them. We do not care about what others want or need or even if we do, so long as it doesn’t interrupt our way of life, the life WE want.
5. Acknowledge Your Sins – Read More…
Pray For Forgiveness. 1John 1:8,9 – If we say we have no sin in us, we are deceiving ourselves and refusing to admit the truth; but if we acknowledge our sins, then God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and purify us from everything that is wrong.
6. Remove Character Defects – Read More…
Now that we have taken a look at ourselves by making a list of things we did wrong and told them to another individual, it’s time to work on removing these defects for good. Remember to always talk to Jesus about these things we need removed and let Him help us to overcome these defects.
7. Humility and Pride – Read More…
Humility Is The Opposite Of Pride. Luke 2:7 And she gave birth to a son, her first-born. She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them at the inn. This is a true act of humility. God could have provided all the comforts of home for Joseph, Mary and Jesus, but He didn’t.
8. List Of Wrongs – Read More…
Made A List Of Our Wrongs and Any Resentments. When we did something wrong to someone did we do it intentionally or did we do it out of ignorance? Sometimes we aim to harm people and some of the reasons we do this is for personal gain, that we don’t like the individual, or because we like to stir things up between others.
9. Making Amends – Read More…
Make Amends To The People You Have Harmed. Now that you have made your lists, it’s time to make amends. First, you have to understand that sometimes it’s not good to open up old wounds. We don’t want to harm others again, but this doesn’t mean that we’re off the hook from making amends.
10. Daily Evaluation – Read More…
We Need To Evaluate Ourselves Daily. Now that we have made amends, it’s time to keep from doing the same things that we had to make amends for over again. We can do this by overcoming our pride. It begins by the way we think and how we bring into ourselves the actions of others.
11. God’s Will – Read More…
About God’s Will For Us. The bible is a great book, it’s God’s word. It’s full of instructions for us. It has God’s promises that He gives us. Each promise has a stipulation attached to it. God will keep His promise provided we do our part.
12. Growing Spiritually – Read More…
Face Life One Day At A Time With God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. After following Jesus and working the past 11 lessons, one should have gained a lot of knowledge about oneself. Such things as the way you think and act, how you treat people and the way you treat them.
Practice these spiritual disciplines to get closer to God and find peace, happiness and true freedom.

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