Archive for the ‘Trust God’ Category

What is Truth?

What Is Truth? Podcast

What is Truth | Kingdom of God | Good News

Questions About Truth

What is truth? How do we find it? Where does it come from? How will I know if it is truth when I think that I have found it? or, When it is revealed to me? There are a lot of questions that can be asked about what is real truth.

The first thing we must do is to research what it is that we are questioning. Sometimes this may take days, months and even years to find the truth, but we can find answers if we are willing to work for them. (more…)


Trust God Always and Not This Passing World

Trust God Always and Not This Passing World Podcast

We Must Trust God Always Before Man

Trust God Always

Why not trust God always with our life and our salvation? He is the one that created us and gave us life. He gave us perfect instructions on how to live and if we follow Him, we will have true happiness, peace, freedom and prosperity.

Gods Promises

No man or the world for that matter can give us the things that God can. God made promises to us that can not be broken and as long as we do what He instructs us to do, those promises will be fulfilled. (more…)


Are You Suffering From a Lack of Faith and Trust in God?

Podcast for Are You Suffering From a Lack of Faith and Trust in God?

Have Faith and Trust in God

Trust in God - Blessing - Jeremiah

If your faith isn’t strong and you still have worries, fears or doubts, you should start working on your faith and get rid of these negative thoughts and emotions. We are going to have to Trust God more than ever.

The United States is going to go through some heavy duty times shortly. The government is in debt so deep that it will take probably 20 years to pay off. They have to borrow billions each month to keep the country running.

Big corporations and big banks have owe money on hundreds and thousands of loans. The people in the United States are in heavy debt themselves. With a country and its people so addicted to debt, it’s only a matter of time before the country falls. (more…)


Trust in God With Faith and Grow Spiritually

Trust in God With Faith Podcast

Trust in God When Going Through Tests and Trials

Why do we lack faith and Trust in God? For those that do believe that there is a God, why do we say that we have faith in God as well as believe in Him, but turn around and the next crisis that comes along we begin to get stressed out, worry or fear the outcome of it? This is like taking your car to a repair shop that you don’t trust.

God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are there to help us get through our daily lives, grow spiritually, teach us how to overcome our hardships and go through tests and trials so that we can grow and learn from them to build up our faith and strength. (more…)


Sheltered In The Arms Of God | Protection From Our Enemies

Sheltered In The Arms Of God Podcast

Sheltered In The Arms Of God

Find Protection In The Arms Of God

Man can do what they want with my body but, they can’t touch my soul because I’m Sheltered in the Arms Of God.

Psalm 18: 1-3, ‘I love you God, my strength (my Savior, you rescue me from violence). God is my rock and my bastion, my deliverer is my God. I take shelter (trust) in Him, my rock, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold and my refuge. From violence you rescue me. He is to be praised; on God I call and am saved from my enemies.’

In these days of unsettling times, we can’t trust our security to man (or at anytime for that matter). Whether it would be for our job, the government, to teach us truth or to save us from our enemies. (more…)


Putting Our Trust In God Requires A Lot Of Faith

Putting Our Trust In God Podcast

Trusting God Can Be Difficult At Times

If we are going to trust in God, we are going to need faith. First, we have to believe that there is a God. Some have been taught about God when they were young. As they grow up they know in their hearts that there is a God, creator of all.

Others were drawn to God either by miracles or something that happened in their life, whether it be some type of trauma or an amazing event. There is a feeling inside us that knows there is more to life than living and dying. (more…)


How to Trust God With Faith

How to Trust God With Faith Podcast

Knowing How to Trust God

If we are going to believe that God will help us, then we need to trust God. We can’t sit around worrying about our situation. We can’t let our problem cause us to fear the unknown. We can’t doubt that God will not help us get through our problem. In order for God to help us, He wants to see that we trust Him and have faith that He will be there for us. (more…)
