Posts Tagged ‘Jeremiah’

Sheltered In The Arms Of God | Protection From Our Enemies

Sheltered In The Arms Of God Podcast

Sheltered In The Arms Of God

Find Protection In The Arms Of God

Man can do what they want with my body but, they can’t touch my soul because I’m Sheltered in the Arms Of God.

Psalm 18: 1-3, ‘I love you God, my strength (my Savior, you rescue me from violence). God is my rock and my bastion, my deliverer is my God. I take shelter (trust) in Him, my rock, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold and my refuge. From violence you rescue me. He is to be praised; on God I call and am saved from my enemies.’

In these days of unsettling times, we can’t trust our security to man (or at anytime for that matter). Whether it would be for our job, the government, to teach us truth or to save us from our enemies. (more…)
