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Relapse Prevention Intervention Strategies
There are many factors that can cause a person to relapse which could be by means of, emotional, psychological, physical and environmental characteristics. Self-awareness is one of the key strategies that you can use to keep yourself from a relapse. Learning about what triggers you to want to use are the things that need to be changed.

Some of the things that could trigger a relapse are, anger, self-pity, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, fantasizing about some of the good times you had when you were using, peer pressure, family and/or friends that use, hard day at work, a sudden trauma, mental disorders, cravings, your environment and there are others that you can think about. You need to learn what your triggers are and develop coping skills that will help you deal with them and how to avoid triggers that could cause you to relapse.

One of the best places to learn is at AA/NA meetings. There you have many different people to talk to that all share one thing in common, substance abuse. You can ask people how they deal with situations, get ideas on how to cope with them and learn about what caused others to relapse.

One strategy that helps, especially if you haven't been clean for that long is to go to as many meetings as you can, at least one a day. Get involved by joining a homegroup, find a "good" sponsor, build up a strong support group, get plenty of telephone numbers so have someone to talk to.

You can also visit a treatment center and talk to them about getting into a group where you can learn coping skills and relapse prevention techniques. If finances are a problem, look for a place that offers free services. Anything that you can do to make changes, to learn about yourself and what you may need to change about yourself, your lifestyle, friends, your environment and so on will have a positive affect on you staying clean and sober.

If anyone has any relapse prevention strategies that you would like to share here, please do. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. If it helps just one person, then your effort was well worth it. 

Thank You and God Bless You.

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