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Why Don't People Trust God?
Why is it that many people who claim to have faith in God still have worries, fears and doubts?

I was under the impression that if you are going to be faithful to God and believe in Him that one would have to trust God without worrying, or having fear of the unknown. What about when one doubts the positive and believes that the negative will happen?

From Psalm 7: 1,2 'God, I take shelter (trust) in you; from all who hound me, save me, rescue me, or, like the lion, he will carry me off and tear me to pieces where no one can save me.

Our negative thinking is like the lion, it destroys our faith in God. It can cause us to get stressed, have an impact on us mentally, physically and spiritually. So, if we are going to claim to have faith in God, then we need to prove it to God that we do or the lion will tears us to pieces.

May God Bless You

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