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Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God
Do not set your hearts on the things of this world which are all vanity, but set your hearts on the kingdom of God. All the world has to offer is death, but God offers life to those that trust Him and believe in Him.

Toil for the things that will last forever. Love one another and help one another. Store your treasures in heaven where thieves cannot steal them. What good is it for a man to work his whole life amassing treasures on earth only to lose his soul?

We came into the world naked why leave naked? You can't take materials, money, etc. with you, it will only be left behind for someone else to enjoy, all that you worked your whole life for.

Set your hearts on God's kingdom and enter in the front door like family clothed in light. Don't enter into heaven by the back door, naked and in shame. Your nakedness will be exposed to all.

God Bless You

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Where We Need To Set Our Hearts

Messages In This Thread
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God - by Cliff57 - 02-01-2025, 02:38 AM
RE: Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God - by SandraP - 02-01-2025, 02:58 AM

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