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Find Our Character Defects
Do You Like To Be Reproved and Corrected?

The Bible is a great tool for finding out what our character defects are. The Word of God is written in this book to help us save ourselves from eternal damnation. That is why God gave us these instructions, not to hurt us, but to help us because He loves us and He only wants the best for us.

He gave us free will to chose our own destiny and God knows that we are up against the strong forces of evil. He sent His Son Jesus to help and guide us back to God so that we may have life and not spiritual death. We have this tendency to deceive ourselves into thinking that we are good people without ever truly looking inward at ourselves.

Hebrews 4:12, 'For the Word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper that any two-edged sword and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.' The flesh is corrupt in its own way, it wants what the world has to offer and is quick to rebel against God. Many people take what the Bible says and interprets it to mean what they want it to say or they avoid it all together because they know that it will reprove their lifestyle.

If only people would realize that the Word of God will lead us to true happiness, peace, joy and total freedom from the bondages of this world, not false or temporary happiness that the things of this world offer us. Find a better life for now and forever in the Word of God. Call on His blessed Son Jesus Christ to help and guide you. God Bless You

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Jesus as Your Savior - Repent and put your Faith in Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

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