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Judge Not or You Will Be Judged
Matthew 7:1-2, 'Do not judge, and you will not be judged; because the judgments you give are the judgments you will get, and the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given.'

Is it right to look upon your fellowman and analyze them? To think or say mean things about them? To mock them? To say that they are evil? Who are we as imperfect as we are to pass judgment on another? Haven't we all done something wrong in our life? Jesus taught to 'Love One Another'. Instead of looking at the bad traits of one another, why not try to bring out the good traits that everyone has inside them?

We can do this by showing others how God and Jesus want us to be. We can pray people on daily basis and not let others get the best of us. People have been turned around just by praying for them or by carrying the love of God around with you. Example: Has someone ever said something mean to you or ruffled your feathers and you called that person all kinds of names or wished ill on them in your thoughts, only to have that person come back later and apologize for acting the way they did?

Maybe you formed an opinion of someone because of what someone else gossiped about them only to find out that they are the complete opposite? Be kind, thoughtful and caring of your fellowman no matter how they treat you back.

Sin is Disobedience to God
I Trust God Only and May God Bless You Always
We do have a tendency to look at others and when we see them do wrong we say to ourselves, 'Well I'm glad that I'm not like them'. We like to focus on other people's actions so that we don't feel bad about how we are inside. It's what you could call an escape route for us. We need to fix ourselves first and stop looking at what other people are doing.

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