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Love Your Enemies
Who are your enemies? 

They are anyone who disrupts that inner peace that dwells within you. In the Bible it says if you love someone and they love you back, what reward is there in that? It goes on to say to love your enemies and by doing so you will reap hot coals on their head.

Love can conquer all, even your enemies. Love can also help someone to recognize the emptiness and loneliness that dwells within them. Anyone that loves their enemies will benefit greatly from this. They will be able to control their emotions to the point where one's enemies cannot harm them. Why engage in war with another, why not love them and keep that inner peace that we all so desire?
Love Your Neighbor - Love Your Enemies
Jesus as Your Savior - Repent and put your Faith in Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
It can be hard to love someone that does you wrong. The best thing we can do for ourselves and them is to pray for them and let it go. It's not worth it to get angry or get a resentment towards them. When we do this, we are letting them control us.

We are letting them disrupt our thoughts and emotions which causes us to be miserable or without peace inside. We can keep the peace inside if we stop ourselves from letting others and the things of the world from bothering us.

Get To Know God and Be Blessed With The Fire Of His Love

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