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Why Do We Let People and Material Things Control Our Emotions?
Whether we are driving, standing in line at the store, at work, out to eat, and so on, we have a tendency to let our environment control our emotions. We would all like to be able to go through each day calm, happy and at peace within ourselves wouldn't we?

Don't let others or the things that this world throws at you bother you. Think positive and make the best out of every situation. It does take practice, but in time it does get easier. Time", everything passes in time, yet we tend to give some of these things that bother us more time by dwelling on the negative side of them instead of just either making peace with them or simply just letting them go. Get rid of them as soon as possible, they have no value whatsoever.

If you have trouble letting these things go or don't know how to change your thought process so that you only think positive, then call on Jesus. He's a great teacher. He will gladly show you how to calm the turbulent ocean that has made waves inside you. He will show you how to practice equanimity.

May God Bless You Always.

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