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Why People Don't Believe In God
Hebrews 11:1 - 'Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen.'

It is so much easier to say that God doesn't exist than it is to prove it. Anyone that truly set out to prove that God doesn't exist, found out that He does. It takes your heart and a sincere desire to get to know Him before He will reveal Himself to anyone.

Any doubts that are in one's heart will kill faith. Yes, it does take work and patience, this is what faith is all about. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Many people give up to soon because their faith is too weak. If anyone wants to get to know God, do it with heart that is free from doubts. Go ahead, try to prove that He doesn't exist.

God Bless You

Is Gods Word True? Is The Bible True? Prove It
Is God's Word Darkness? -  God Bless You and Remember God's Word

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