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No Servant Can Be The Slave of Two Masters
Luke 16:13, 'No servant can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or treat the first with respect and the second with scorn. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.' 

We can't fill our heart with the love of God and the love of the things of this world. Our hearts need to be filled to be filled with either love for God or love for the things of this world. When we invest our love in God, we will be blessed with joy, happiness, peace, freedom and eternal life. If we direct our love for the things of this world like, materialism and money and all the other perishable, temporary things of this world, we don't get anything in return, maybe temporary happiness. Then we're off seeking more temporary happiness.

Working for our salvation is serious business because it can bring us eternal life with God. Working for the things that are temporary will only keep us disconnected from God and our salvation can be in jeopardy. Work for the things you need like, salvation, food, clothing and shelter. 

Luke 16:14,15, 'The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and laughed at him. He said to them, 'You are the very ones who pass yourselves off as virtuous in people's sight, but God knows your hearts. For what is thought highly of by man is loathsome in the sight of God.' Impress people with your love for God and for your fellowman, not with the things of this passing world. Store up your treasures in heaven.'

God Bless You

Materialism – Treasures Of The Heart
Is God's Word Darkness? -  God Bless You and Remember God's Word
Being a slave to the world and the things of it can bring a lot of misery. After all, we end up spending a lot of time working for the things of the world that are only temporary and have no long lasting value at all. Like the saying goes, "You can't take it with you". 

We burden ourselves with wants sometimes to the point of amassing debt. Some are not satisfied with the things they have and are always trying to gain more. Being a slave to the world can affect us in a harmful way like, worrying or fear. Why do we put ourselves through this misery? 

If we become a slave to God and serve Him well, He promises us that He will provide for us our needs. Man or the world can't do that. We put to much trust in the world and sometimes we don't. Take for instance in today's economy, millions of people that have jobs don't know if they are going to have one tomorrow. If you lose your job in today's economy, it's not like it was a few years ago where you go out and get another one. There are probably a thousand other people applying for the same position. Many people are feeling insecure and that causes them to worry and fear the worse.

So, why take on all this that can only cause you to live a life in fear and misery? Why not have peace of mind and be a slave to God instead of the world? God can rid you of all your worries and fears. He can give you security and protection that man cannot. All you have to do is Trust God.

Put your faith in God and He will do great things for you. It all begins with accepting His blessed Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus will remove that emptiness and lonliness that the has provided. You will lose the insecurity, worries, fears and misery caused by being a slave of the world.

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