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What Is The First Thing One Must Do To Quit An Addiction?
If someone is serious about quitting an addiction, then they must completely Surrender. They must acknowledge the fact that they have a problem with: "Fill in the Blank" . One must ditch their pride and humble them self. It's all about committing yourself to do whatever it takes to recover from addiction. If you can do this, then your chances of relapsing are much less.

There are 10 Principles here in video form: RU Principles They can help you. Take a look at their website as well: Reformers Unanimous

RU Help line: If you are in need of help with your addiction please call our helpline at: 866.733.6768

Good Luck and God Bless
For me, I knew that I had an addiction to alcohol and that one day would come when I would have to quit. The day came and I was feeling so empty and lonely inside, it was horrible. I decided to call on Jesus. I asked Him to help me and I made a commitment to Him that I would do whatever it takes to turn my life around.

By the Grace of God, Jesus responded by pulling me out of the darkness and filling me with Light and taking away my alcoholism, the loneliness and the emptiness that plagued me. What a joy that day was. That was 08/13/1988.

The other addiction I had was smoking cigarettes. I smoked for over 55 years and trying to quit so many times I could not count. The withdrawals were too much; trances, brain fog, memory lapse and others. 

In May of 2023 I decided to quit smoking again, this time I had a strong incentive. It dawned on me that after all I had been through in my walk with the Lord overcoming obstacles as well as building up my faith going through the many tests and trials, it would be a shame to die and stand before the Lord and still not have been able to overcome smoking.

Well, it worked. I had to use some nicotine lozenges to ween myself off the withdrawals but, after a couple of months I stopped using them. I've been smoke free since. Praise God and all Glory to God our Father.

If you have an addiction, ask the Lord for help, study the bible for answers and seek ways to help you overcome what is plaguing you. Don't give up, keep trying.

Dealing With Addictive Behaviors

God Bless You

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