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The United States Is An Abomination In The Eyes of God
Romans 1:18-25, ‘The anger of God is being revealed from heaven against all the impiety and depravity of men who keep truth imprisoned in their wickedness. For what can be known about God is perfectly plain to them since God himself has made it plain.

Ever since God created the world his everlasting power and deity however invisible-have been there for the mind to see in the things he has made. That is why such people are without excuse: they knew God and yet refused to honor him as God or to thank him; instead, they made nonsense out of logic and their empty minds were darkened.
The more they called themselves philosophers, the more stupid they grew, until they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for a worthless imitation, for the image of mortal man, of birds, of quadrupeds and reptiles. That is why God left them to their filthy enjoyments and the practices with which they dishonor their own bodies, since they have given up divine truth for a lie and have worshipped and served creatures instead of the creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen!

That is why God has abandoned them to degrading passions: why their women have turned from natural intercourse to unnatural practices and why their menfolk have given up natural intercourse to be consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameless things with men and getting an appropriate reward for their perversions.

In other words, since they refused to see it was rational to acknowledge God, God has left them to their own irrational ideas and to their monstrous behavior. And so they are steeped in all sorts of depravity, rottenness, greed and malice, and addicted to envy, murder, wrangling, treachery and spite.

Libelers, slanderers, enemies of God, rude, arrogant and boastful, enterprising in sin, rebellious to parents, without brains, honor, love or pity. They know what God's verdict is: that those who behave like this deserve to die--and yet they do it; and what is worse, encourage others to do the same.'  The sad part about all this is that people will follow others to their demise.

Family structure is a thing of the past. Marriage doesn't mean anything anymore. People have become so de-sensitized to what is immoral. Hollywood promotes, violence and homosexuality and the people support it.

Abortion is just another form of birth control, murdering innocent children for a few moments of pleasure and lust. Parents don't nurture their children, some don't even know how. It's not going to get any better until people wake up and realize that spiritual decay is the driving force behind what is going on these days. Turn your back on God and He will remove His blessings and protection. This nation is an abomination in the eyes of God.

Being a nation that was once blessed by God, this nation is sinking fast into the darkness and no nation that has been blessed by God will escape His wrath. God stands to try and correct these nations with signs of His growing anger. He is patient, hoping that the people will see these signs and wake up before it is too late.

God releases His curses slowly and as a nation continues to rebel against Him, the curses get worse. Those that are righteous in His eyes will be protected, but those that aren't, well... You have a chance to find security with God before it's too late.

Jeremiah 6:15, 'They should be ashamed of their abominable deeds. But not they! They feel no shame, they have forgotten how to blush. And so as others fall, they too shall fall; they shall be thrown down when I come to deal with them, says God.'

True Repentance – Be Repentant of Your Sins

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