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Why Are Christian Churches Different?
With all the different churches out there that believe in God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, why do they all have different formats? It can be quite confusing. Are they catering to certain individuals or are they trying to have a better format then another church?

I always thought church was supposed to be a place that you go to to worship God and fellowship with others. Helping each other out, whether they may have a question about the Lord or spiritual matters.

Make sure you find out what kind of church you are attending. Check the Pastor out to see if he is spiritual or not. See if he uses the bible to preach from. Is he a prosperity preacher? Does the church always ask for money? Does the church entertain you? Do they preach TRUTH?

Good luck and May God lead you to the right church.

Preachers and Teachers Need To Be Tested
Jesus as Your Savior - Repent and put your Faith in Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

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