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Who's God Is It? Your God or Our God?
Kind of makes you wonder these days with all the religions out there. Are we all praying and worshipping the same God? How Do you know? What is the true word of God? No one has seen the God that they worship, but it is believed in men's hearts that there is a God by faith.

If we cannot touch God, then why do people claim that their beliefs or religion is the only true religion? Have they somehow been able to capture God and claim Him as their own? How do they know what religion is right?

I believe that a God that teaches love must be the right one, after all isn't love better than hate? I know that love will bring peace, joy, happiness and true freedom, not like hate which brings wars, violence, crime and misery to the beholder. If the true God does teach to love one another and help each other, then why do we need to have all these different religions?

Why can't everyone just worship the true God that teaches love and teaches to love one another? If this did happen, then maybe man will have a chance to live in peace and harmony with one another.

Show off the God that is in your heart today by doing something nice for your fellow man. Smile! Smile! Smile!

Sin is Disobedience to God, His Law and His Commandments
With all the killings that have taken place and are still happening today by religions that have forced people to believe that their religion is the only religion and if you don't convert to their religion, they torture you and/or kill you, why would I want to convert to that religion when they don't practice to "Love One Another"?

I believe that if you want someone to believe in your god, then you would want to encourage them by showing them that your god is a loving god and not one that YOU kill for. After all, wouldn't that be taking your god\'s name in vain if your god is a loving god?

No true god would teach to hate, they would want everyone to live in peace. At least this is my perception of a god that I would want to worship and live by. Trying to convert people to your religion or god out of fear is not the right way to go about it. No one wants to live in fear.

The best way that I know how to convert people is to let them see what my god is all about by the way that I act towards my fellowman. Love is productive, it is the basis behind creation, while hate is the basis behind destruction.

May you find true joy, peace, happiness and love. God Bless You

Jesus Said To Love One Another As I Have Loved You
Is God's Word Darkness? -  God Bless You and Remember God's Word

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