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Why Do We Put Our Hope In Man and Not Trust God?
'Jeremiah 17: 5, 'A curse on the man who puts his trust in man, who relies on the things of the flesh, whose heart turns from God.'

We do have a tendency to rely on the things of the flesh rather than put our hope and trust in God. If we were to rely on God and not man, the U.S. and England wouldn't be in the shape it is in today. Unfortunately, many people of these two nations believe that they don't need God any longer and that they want to do things there way. Spiritual decay and immoral behavior has plagued these two nations.

For those that believe in God, but don\'t trust Him, how can you say that you believe in Him? Putting trust in man and not God can lead us to self-destruction. It is up to us to seek truth in God and not man. Many people rely on preachers, teachers and church goers to teach them. How do they know if what they are teaching is truth. How do you know if what you are learning is truth? Learn from the Master, Jesus Christ.

Build that one on one relationship with Jesus and follow Him, He will teach you truth and prepare you to receive the Spirit of Truth to be with you forever (John 14:15-17). Don't put your trust in man, but put your trust in God. Turn you heart towards God.

Is Gods Word True? Is The Bible True? Prove It

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