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Can You Trust Your Friends?
Ecclesiasticus 12:9, 'When a man is doing well his enemies are sad, when he is doing badly, even a friend will keep his distance.'

You can really find out who your true friends are when you become distressed or need help with something. Some will be right there for you while others won't call to see how you are doing, or they will make an excuse so they don\'t have to help you.

You can notice this by their attitude when you ask them for help. You can also tell if you fall on hard times and they shy away from you or like the scripture says, 'keep his distance'.

You can't always rely on friends, but as long as you have faith and Trust God, He will always be there for you.

Make Amends To The People You Have Harmed
Trust God Always and Not This Passing World | Gods Promises   Have Faith in God and lose those worries, fears and doubts.

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