02-01-2025, 05:25 AM
Isaiah 57:20,21, 'The sinful are like the restless sea that cannot be still, and washes up mud and slime. 'No peace' says my God 'for the sinful.'
Do you have too much going on in your life where you cannot find rest for your body and/or mind? In these days when everything seems to be so fast paced, we can lose our selves amongst the things of the world. It is important to take care of our self first.
Nothing that this world has to offer is more important then losing our soul. The things of the world are only temporary, just like your body. To lose your soul for eternity, over a short period of time that the world offers is not a wise thing to do. Ask yourself if the things of the world are worth temporary happiness, stress, worries, fears, loss of freedom because you have become a slave to the world, and most importantly, losing your soul.
Take a look at what is causing the ocean within you to be restless and make adjustments to your life so that you can find peace, happiness and freedom with God that will last forever.
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life
Do you have too much going on in your life where you cannot find rest for your body and/or mind? In these days when everything seems to be so fast paced, we can lose our selves amongst the things of the world. It is important to take care of our self first.
Nothing that this world has to offer is more important then losing our soul. The things of the world are only temporary, just like your body. To lose your soul for eternity, over a short period of time that the world offers is not a wise thing to do. Ask yourself if the things of the world are worth temporary happiness, stress, worries, fears, loss of freedom because you have become a slave to the world, and most importantly, losing your soul.
Take a look at what is causing the ocean within you to be restless and make adjustments to your life so that you can find peace, happiness and freedom with God that will last forever.
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life
Thought Process | Temptation | Negative Thoughts Ask God to bring you to Repentance