03-05-2025, 03:52 AM
Romans 11: 34-36, 'Who could ever know the mind of the Lord? Who could ever be His counsellor? Who could ever give Him anything or lend Him anything? All that exists comes from Him; all is by Him and for Him. To Him be glory for ever! Amen
There is only one thing that I can think of that we can give God, and that is our love. By serving Him, being righteous in His eyes and loving one another. God may own everything, after all, He created it, but He did gave us free will to choose to love Him or not. God is willing to share so much of what He has with us and all we have to do is love Him.
He can give us peace, joy, happiness, true freedom and everlasting eternal life if only we would love Him. It is difficult to overcome our corrupt, carnal mind and body, but God gave us a way out, someone to help us, He sent His blessed Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus can lead us back to God, to receive the Holy Spirit forever and be in union with God our Father.
Jesus can help us to overcome the things that darken our minds, hearts and souls and bring us into the light. He will teach us how to change our thought process, and modify our behavior so that we can be purified and enjoy a loving and everlasting relationship with God.
Forget the worldly things that only bring temporary happiness and receive everlasting joy, happiness, peace and true freedom that can only come from God.
Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me
There is only one thing that I can think of that we can give God, and that is our love. By serving Him, being righteous in His eyes and loving one another. God may own everything, after all, He created it, but He did gave us free will to choose to love Him or not. God is willing to share so much of what He has with us and all we have to do is love Him.
He can give us peace, joy, happiness, true freedom and everlasting eternal life if only we would love Him. It is difficult to overcome our corrupt, carnal mind and body, but God gave us a way out, someone to help us, He sent His blessed Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus can lead us back to God, to receive the Holy Spirit forever and be in union with God our Father.
Jesus can help us to overcome the things that darken our minds, hearts and souls and bring us into the light. He will teach us how to change our thought process, and modify our behavior so that we can be purified and enjoy a loving and everlasting relationship with God.
Forget the worldly things that only bring temporary happiness and receive everlasting joy, happiness, peace and true freedom that can only come from God.
Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me