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Forgive and You Will Be Forgiven
Matthew 6:14,15, 'Yes, if you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours; but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failings either.'

No one is "Perfect". People are going to hurt one another in one form or another whether it be intentional or unintentional. We all have done something to another individual that if we really didn't mean it, we should be forgiven for that act from the individual that we harmed. But, what if we did mean it? Should we be forgiven for that as well?

Of course, as long as we try to make amends to that individual with a sincere heart, we will be forgiven even if the one we harmed still holds a resentment towards us. Remember though, as long as we have forgiven others for what they have done to us, we will also be forgiven.

It can be very difficult to forgive some people for what they have done to us, or to the ones that we love, or we can take to even a broader sense and include the people that we hate like, a nation, a race or a specific group of people.

If the individual(s) have passed on and you want to ask for forgiveness, speak to God with a contrite heart and you will be forgiven. God reads what's in the heart. The faster you seek forgiveness or give forgiveness to another, the more peaceful you will be inside. No resentments to make you angry and no guilt to burden you with.

This is a part of what God's pure love is all about. This is how we grow spiritually and prepare ourselves for the Kingdom of God.

Forgiven Us Our Sins | Forgive Them | Sinners to Repentance

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