Table of Contents
How to Trust God With Faith Podcast
Knowing How to Trust God
If we are going to believe that God will help us, then we need to trust God. We can’t sit around worrying about our situation. We can’t let our problem cause us to fear the unknown. We can’t doubt that God will not help us get through our problem. In order for God to help us, He wants to see that we trust Him and have faith that He will be there for us.
Worries, Fears & Doubts Will Kill Faith
Nothing worse then worrying about something that hasn’t even happened. There may be a dark cloud hanging over our heads, but it is not going to go away until the conclusion. We need to take our problem and look for something positive that could come out of it. God will be the Light at the end of the tunnel.
Worrying is also bad for your health. It can cause stress and other illnesses. Not just physical, but psychological problems too. It will also damage us spiritually. Worrying will bring us misery, it will disrupt our lives to the point where we can’t think straight or function properly.
How to Trust God Without Fear
Fear is a very damaging emotion, probably the worst one out of the three. They say that most people that are in institutions are there because of of fear. Fear brought them to the point of mental instability. Seriously, what is there to fear? Most of the time when fear first sets in, you know what is going to happen before it actually happens. Most of the time it doesn’t even happen.
A lot of fear we bring upon ourselves. We always look at negative side of fear. Sometimes fear is a good emotion, it brings out our common sense. In some people, it helps them to react to danger properly and in others it causes them to panic in which the outcome could be deadly for them or others.
How to Trust God Without Doubts
Why do we doubt that everything will work out? It seems that we tend to lean more to the negative side then the positive. We always seem to want to draw the worse conclusions in our mind. Is this the way that we want the outcome to be?
Worries, Fears and Doubts are not something that we need in our life if we are going to live a happy life. That is why we must turn all our problems over to God. We need to trust God with our heart, soul and mind. After all. isn’t God our Father? Don’t you think that He wants nothing but the best for us?
If we are going to make God a part of our life, then we need to trust God. Think about how you would react to someone if they felt that you were incompetent to perform a task that you knew you could handle. Life is not a bowl of cherries, we are going to go through tests and trials. These tests and trials build our strength and faith in God. God knows that we are going to fail from time to time, it’s how we learn from our mistakes.
When we include God in our life, we need to include Him in everything and not just our problems. When we pray to Him and ask for His help with a problem or situation that we have, then we need to place it in His hands and seek His guidance. We need to believe that He will handle it and no matter what the outcome is, look for the positive. So, drop the worrying, the fears and the doubts and trust God. Look and you will see. Believe, Believe and Believe!
Who is God? God is of the purest love and He shares that love with us only if we are willing to receive it. To love God in return is the most incredible thing a human being could do for God and them self. Our will, our life and our love are about the only things we have that we can give God, but God has so much to offer us it’s unimaginable. Find out what He can do for you. Seek God through His blessed Son Jesus Christ.
God Bless You and Love One Another

Your right, but that is only one part of what we are supposed to do to show that we believe in Jesus Christ. We also have to work the scriptures and prove our faith in God and Jesus Christ by proving that the Word of God is true by our works with faith. God Bless You
We are suppose cast all our cares, worries and fears on Jesus. This is a process of growing, and it also helps to around others that can help you grow in your faith walk. They can pray for you and encourage you too.