Posts Tagged ‘faith in God’

Is There a God? Is The Word of God Real? Does God Exist?

Is There a God Podcast

Whoever Says That There is No God Has Not Tried To Find Him

Is there a God or does God exist are questions that many people ask or just say no to. For many, they do believe that there is a God. They have found out that God does exist by faith. They have proven some of the promises that God has presented to man. (more…)


Are You Placing Your Hope and Faith in Man Over God?

Podcast for Are You Placing Your Hope and Faith in Man Over God?

Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped For

Chem Trails - Trust God Always

Romans 15:13, ‘May the God of hope bring you such joy and peace in your faith that the power of the Holy Spirit will remove all bounds to hope.’

Where we place our hope can make the difference between a positive outcome or a negative outcome. It all depends on how structurally sound we are in our faith in God. (more…)


Faith In God During The Hard Times

Podcast for Faith In God During The Hard Times

Keep Your Faith in God and Not the World

The economy in the United States and all over the world has been down for quite some time. Many people have lost jobs, careers, homes, businesses, and everything they own. In the United States we are looking at around 14.5 million people out of work and growing. (more…)


Believe In God and Lose Those Worries Fears and Doubts

Believe In God Podcast

Believe in God and Grow Spiritually

What is there to worry about if you believe in God? Usually there are only two outcomes to a situation that one worries about, a positive or a negative.

So, what it comes down to is people that worry always choose the negative outcome and they dwell on it and also fabricate all different kinds of outcomes. Why is this? Why can’t people choose to think about a positive outcome? It’s because that’s the way we are in our carnal self. (more…)


Daily Evaluation of the Mind, Behavior and Emotions

Daily Evaluation Podcast

Keeping Our Thoughts, Emotions and Behavior in Check

Now that we have made amends, it’s time to keep from doing the same things that we had to make amends for over again. We can do this by overcoming our pride which affects our mind, behavior and emotions. It begins by the way we think and how we bring into ourselves the actions of others.

I suppose you could say that if we were alone, we wouldn’t be affected by other people and we, ourselves, wouldn’t be able to affect others by our actions. You could do this if you choose to be a hermit, but many of us don’t have that choice. And even if we did, how could we ever overcome our flesh and learn to love our brothers and sisters in the way God wants us to? (more…)
