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Trust in God - Not Man or Yourself
In the Bible there are scriptures that warn us about putting our trust in man or even ourselves: Proverbs 28:26, He who trusts in his own promptings is a fool, he whose ways are wise will be safe.

Jeremiah 17:5, 'A curse on the man who puts his trust in man, who relies on things of the flesh, whose heart turns from God.

II Corinthians 1:9, Yes, we were carrying our own death warrant with us, and it has taught us not to rely on ourselves but only on God.

If we follow or trust in man or our own selves, We will surely die if we depend on our own precepts or follow and trust in man.

Follow in God's ways and you will find peace, happiness, joy and freedom from the bondages of this passing world.

May God Be With You Always

Trust God Always and Not This Passing World

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Trust in God - Not Man or Yourself - by HaveFaith - 03-07-2025, 12:00 AM

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