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Are You Ready For The Return Of Jesus?
There is no telling who will be alive during the worst of times that are rapidly approaching. If you are alive during these times, are you going to be prepared? If your next breath was going to be your last, are you prepared to stand before God?

Jesus is going to return like a thief in the night. No one will know when, but you can be prepared for His coming. It just doesn't mean at the end of this age, it could be tomorrow or even today. No one knows, that's why we need to prepare ourselves for the inevitable. Seek Jesus Christ and He will show you the way.

What have you done to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ? How strong is your faith?

May God Touch Your Heart and Soul with His Divine Love and Grace

The Grace of God
Thought Process | Temptation | Negative Thoughts  Ask God to bring you to Repentance
There is going to be some perilous times in the Great Tribulation Period. There is only one way to be protected during these times or for any time like war, famine, plagues and so on. We need to be right with God in order to receive blessings from Him. We are not going to be able to count on man or the government for help.

It is going to take repentance and faith to get right with God and also the ability to make it through hard times. Without faith, people are going to panic, have fear like never before, lose hope and lose their morals. They will do things like they would have never thought they would do before.

God will protect you but, you have to act now!

Sheltered In The Arms Of God | Protection From Our Enemies

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