Posts Tagged ‘god’s word’

The United States In Prophecy

The United States In Prophecy Podcast

This Country Is Ruled By Satan

united states famous prostitute revelation

Iran calls the United States “The Great Satan”. Can you blame them? Can you blame them for wanting to see this country destroyed? I know Iran has many of its own problems as being the leading sponsor of terrorist activity, but this goes to show you how much the sin of this country has such a major influence on the world as a whole. (more…)


Is Gods Word True? Is The Bible True? Prove It

Is Gods Word True? Is The Bible True? Prove It Podcast

People Always Say, “Prove It”

Trust God Always | Pray For Peace | Love One Another

There are many people who are skeptical about the Word of God, the Bible. They will say things like, “Prove it.” or “Since it was written by many different people it couldn’t possibly be true.” Gods Word is true and the Bible is true, you can prove it. (more…)


Gods Blessings and Curses to His Nations

Podcast for Gods Blessings and Curses to His Nations

The United States and England will Feel God’s Wrath

There was a day when God’s blessings caused the United States and England to be prosperous, the people lived in peace without fear from their enemies, and the storage houses were full and overflowing.

People were kind and respectful, the prisons were nowhere near as full as they are today, and people could go to sleep at night without locking their doors. These two nations were feared by all the other nations of the world, they had great military strength. (more…)
