Posts Tagged ‘good fruits’

Removing Our Character Defects To Make Room For The Light

Removing Our Character Defects Podcast

What is Keeping the Light Out?

Light of Jesus Christ | Darkness of Evil

We can be a much happier person if we remove the darkness that is within us. This darkness causes all types of negative activity like stress, anger, hate, resentments, jealousy, impatience, envy, desires of the flesh, character defects and so many more. Our character defects is something that we need to focus on.

We need to trim the dead branches from the tree and allow new ones to grow like, peace, faith, love, happiness, kindness, compassion, righteousness and so on. It’s all a matter of changing the way we see things, act on things and basically how we live our lives from moment to moment. (more…)


Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor Podcast

Practice To Love Your Neighbor Daily

1John 2:9-11 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the dark. But anyone who loves his brother is living in the light and need not be afraid of stumbling; unlike the man who hates his brother and is in the darkness, not knowing where he is going, because it is to dark to see.

1John 4:20,21 Anyone who says, ‘ I love God,’ and hates his brother, is a liar, since a man who does not love the brother that he can see cannot love God, whom he has never seen. So this is the commandment He has given us, that anyone who loves God must also love his brother. Wouldn’t it be a beautiful world if everyone loved each other? Well, that’s the kind of world God has planned for those who can love each other. The question is, will you be apart of it? (more…)
