Posts Tagged ‘negative thoughts’

Arrogant People Need To Be Left Alone

Podcast for Arrogant People Need To Be Left Alone

Arrogance | Wicked Behavior | arrogant | heart be bold

Arrogance Comes From the Darkness of Pride

Proverbs 8:13, God says, ‘I hate pride and arrogance, wicked behavior and a lying mouth.’

Psalm 31:23,24 – ‘Love God, all you devout; God, the protector of the faithful, will repay the arrogant with interest. Be strong, let your heart be bold, all you who hope in God.’

Those that are devout, love God in their own special way. They are sound in faith and know that God will take care of them. (more…)


How To Live A Happy Life By Thinking Positive And Changing Our Habits

How To Live A Happy Life Podcast

What Can We Do To Change Ourselves and The Way We See Things?

Live a Happy Life By Changing Your Environment

The environment that we live in plays a big role in how we live our lives on a daily basis and not just daily, but moment to moment. We have a tendency to adapt to our environment in such a way that our thinking process and how we re-act to circumstances become habitual and automatic. The environment can control whether we live a happy life or not. (more…)
