Posts Tagged ‘spiritual’

Preachers and Teachers Need To Be Tested

Be Careful Of The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Podcast

Do You Know Who Is Teaching You?

We need to be careful of the wolves disguised as men of God. They could be people like, preachers, teachers or anyone that attends Christian churches. They are out to rob you of your salvation and you may not even be aware of it. So, who’s fault is it if you listen to man instead of God, or Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit? (more…)


What is Life After Death?

What is Life After Death? Podcast

Life and Death – Physical and Spiritual

When Adam and Eve sinned, their carnal eyes opened. Sin had caused them to lose that spiritual bond they had with God. When they were living a spiritual life, death had no hold on them. It wasn’t until they sinned that death would come upon them.

God allows death to the flesh so man won’t live forever in the misery of sin. Would there sin cause them to lose life after death? (more…)


Icons – Who Or What Do You Worship?

Icons – Who Or What Do You Worship? Podcast

Icons or a Graven Image

Deuteronomy 5:7-10 “You shall have no gods except Me”. You shall not make yourself a carved image (icons) or any likeness of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them.

For I Am the Lord thy God, a jealous God and I punish the fathers’ fault in the sons, the grandsons and the great-grandsons of those who hate me; but I show kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep my commandments. (more…)


Seek The Holy Spirit for Guidance

Seek The Holy Spirit Podcast

“Be Careful Of The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”

Be very careful these days. There are a lot of nonspiritual preachers out there and ones that speak half truth. You have to remember that many, many preachers were taught by man and not by God, not by Jesus and not by the Holy Spirit.

Preachers and Teachers Need To Be Tested

Preachers need to be tested to see if he/she is worthy to seek spiritual advice from. It’s not enough to have credentials hanging on the wall. They need to be guided by the Holy Spirit and also Faith. One thing you might want to look at is, “What works of faith can they produce?” (more…)


Daily Evaluation of the Mind, Behavior and Emotions

Daily Evaluation Podcast

Keeping Our Thoughts, Emotions and Behavior in Check

Now that we have made amends, it’s time to keep from doing the same things that we had to make amends for over again. We can do this by overcoming our pride which affects our mind, behavior and emotions. It begins by the way we think and how we bring into ourselves the actions of others.

I suppose you could say that if we were alone, we wouldn’t be affected by other people and we, ourselves, wouldn’t be able to affect others by our actions. You could do this if you choose to be a hermit, but many of us don’t have that choice. And even if we did, how could we ever overcome our flesh and learn to love our brothers and sisters in the way God wants us to? (more…)
