Forgiven Us Our Sins Podcast
Acknowledge Your Sins and Take an Inventory of Yourself
1John 1:9, ‘But if we acknowledge our sins, then God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and purify us from everything that is wrong.’
When we acknowledge our sins, not only do we admit that we are a sinner, but also see the sins that we commit. Take an inventory of yourself and write down your sins. Ask Jesus to help you recognize the sins that you commit so that we can stop rebelling against God.
In James and Psalms it says, Jas. 5:15,16, ‘So confess your sins to one another.’ Psalms 32:5, ‘At last I admitted to you I had sinned; no longer concealing my guilt, I said, ‘I will go to Yahweh and confess my fault. And you, you have forgiven the wrong I did, have pardoned my sin. (more…)

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