Posts Tagged ‘iniquities’

Repentance – Feel Deep Sorrow About One’s Actions

Repentance Podcast

Jesus Can Help Bring Us To Repentance

Repentance – Feel Deep Sorrow About One’s Actions

repentance | contrite heart | u turn

Feel deep sorrow about one’s actions, etc., etc. wish one had not done; resolve not to continue (a wrong doing etc.) Repentance is much more than just saying, “I’m sorry”. One needs to see how one has lived and is living their life.

We Need Jesus To Help Us Prepare Our Hearts

We have become so accustomed to living a worldly life for ourselves, that we are totally blind to what is acceptable living in the eyes of God. Carnally, it’s our nature to live a worldly life, mostly for ourselves, for the life we want, and not the life that the Lord wants us to live, the life that will prepare us for the kingdom of God. (more…)


Make A List Of Our Iniquities or Resentments

Make A List Of Our Iniquities Podcast

Iniquities are the Same as Sins

When we did something wrong to someone did we do it intentionally or did we do it out of ignorance? Sometimes we aim to harm people and some of the reasons we do this is for personal gain, that we don’t like the individual, or because we like to stir things up between others.

Gossip is a sure way to hurt others and sometimes it backfires on us. I’m sure if you think about it you could come up with more reasons. Well, guess what? We need to think about it and think deeply about it. Just when you think it couldn’t get any harder, this walk with the Lord is about to. (more…)
