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Our Father Who Art In Heaven

Our Father Who Art In Heaven Podcast

Our Father

our father who art in heaven | lord's prayer

Our Father, the one true God who is our spiritual Father and creator of all. He is the Great I AM… He is the only God who cannot have a limit placed on Him. Although, people are constantly doing so by bringing Him down to our level.

All glory belongs to God. We seem to forget that God has created us and blessed us with life. All knowledge and wisdom comes from God. We need to be grateful to Him for all of our achievements. We should also be grateful for our sufferings as well as our happiness and prosperity. (more…)


Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me

Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me Podcast

The First Commandment – No Other Gods

trust god | protection enemies

Exodus 20:3 ‘I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt not have other gods before me.’ Before we get into to this, there are some people out there that believe that Jesus did away with the the Old Testament laws and commandments. That is not true. (more…)


Boasting is Nothing More Than Vain Glory

Boasting is Nothing More Than Vain Glory Podcast

Repentant of Your Sins

Humility Will Follow After Those That Exalt Themselves

Matthew 23:12, ‘Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted.’

There is a lot to be said about pride and humility. Exalting oneself comes from pride and someone that is humble will never think of them self to be better than anyone. (more…)


Avoiding Burnout For Substance Abuse Counselors

Avoiding Burnout For Substance Abuse Counselors Podcast

Warning Sign | Burnout | Substance Abuse Counselor

Watching For Signs of Burnout

Burnout could happen to any type of counselor, therapist, social worker or anyone that has to deal with people that have problems that effect them or others physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We are going to cover what a substance abuse counselor is faced with and the things that could cause them to burnout. We will cover ways to avoid a burnout and recover from one.

A substance abuse counselor should face the fact that they are going to be dealing with clients who have been through some hard times. They are going to have to listen to everything that the clients have been through and at times, it will be heart-wrenching. (more…)


Trust God Always and Not This Passing World

Trust God Always and Not This Passing World Podcast

We Must Trust God Always Before Man

Trust God Always

Why not trust God always with our life and our salvation? He is the one that created us and gave us life. He gave us perfect instructions on how to live and if we follow Him, we will have true happiness, peace, freedom and prosperity.

Gods Promises

No man or the world for that matter can give us the things that God can. God made promises to us that can not be broken and as long as we do what He instructs us to do, those promises will be fulfilled. (more…)


Dealing With Addictive Behaviors

Dealing With Addictive Behaviors Podcast

Addictive Behaviors Can Cause Serious Damage

Addictive Behaviors | Hope Usually, when a person thinks of addictive behaviors, what comes to mind is either an alcoholic or a drug addict, but when it comes to addictive personalities, just about anything can become habit forming. The psychology of addiction is complicated and sort of perplexed, but for a vast number of people around the world, addiction is a reality for them. (more…)


Different Stages of Alcoholism

Different Stages of Alcoholism Podcast

Alcoholism is a Progressive Disease

Alcoholism | There is Hope

Most of us usually know at least one person who is in one of the stages of alcoholism. They may drink excessively, can’t control their drinking, has tried to stop repeatedly, goes on binges, or just has no control over how much they drink. We may even be the person we know, but will not face the fact that we have a serious problem and are in denial of the situation. (more…)


Jesus Said To Love One Another As I Have Loved You

Love One Another As I Have Loved You Podcast

Jesus tells us to love one another as I have loved you. God also commands us to do so. Why? Because they both have unconditional love for us and as God is the creator of all of us, we should obey Him, love Him and all our brothers and sisters as well.

God gave us free will to choose what we want to do with our thoughts, emotions, and how we act. God also gave us instructions on how we should live, think and act towards Him and our brothers and sisters. (more…)


The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Where We Need To Set Our Hearts

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Where We Need To Set Our Hearts Podcast

Seek Ye The Kingdom of Heaven

Kingdom of Heaven | God | Hearts

The kingdom of heaven: Luke 12:29-31, ‘But you, you must not set your hearts on things to eat and things to drink; nor must you worry. It is the pagans of this world who set their hearts on all these things. Your Father well knows you need them. No; set your hearts on His kingdom, and these other things will be given you as well.’ (more…)


Reaching the Point of Desperation

Reaching the Point of Desperation Podcast

Despair Can Lead To Desperation

There is a place that no one wants reach in their life. It is a cold, dark and sometimes lonely place and it is called “Despair”. It’s a negative feeling of hopelessness, one that can cause us to think and/or behave irrationally. It can wreck havoc on our well-being and our emotional state. (more…)


Happy The Man Whose Sins Are Forgiven

Happy The Man Whose Sins Are Forgiven Podcast

Happy The Man Will Be Forever

Forgive Me | Repent | Contrite Heart | White Robe

Psalm 32: 1-2, ‘Happy the man whose sins are forgiven, whose sins are blotted out; happy the man whom God accuses of no guilt, whose spirit is incapable of deceit!’

In order for us to be forgiven for our sins, we have to repent. Our heart needs to be heavy and contrite where we feel the burden of our sins. We must acknowledge our sins by looking inward. It is not easy for us to look at our selves and do a complete evaluation of our defects. (more…)


Holy Spirit and Spirits and Ghosts and Angels

Holy Spirit and Spirits and Ghosts and Angels Podcast

Are Spirits like Ghosts and Angels For Real?

Spirits or ghosts have been around for thousands of years. God mentions a spirit in Genesis 1:2, ‘Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, and God’s spirit hovered over the water.’

Spiritual beings known as “angels” are mentioned in Genesis 3:24, ‘He (God) banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden He posted the cherubs (angel of the second highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy), and the flame of a flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.’ (more…)


Evil Spirits and Demons and Fallen Angels

Evil Spirits and Demons and Fallen Angels Podcast

What Are These Evil Spirits, Fallen Angels or Demons?

There is a dark side to the spirit world. There are evil spirits known as demons or fallen angels. These evil spirits are out to destroy mankind. They can influence the minds of man.

They all have different roles and some are more powerful than others. If a person is strong enough to overcome one of the demons, the demon may go out to gather others and come back for another attack. (more…)


Is Gods Word True? Is The Bible True? Prove It

Is Gods Word True? Is The Bible True? Prove It Podcast

People Always Say, “Prove It”

Trust God Always | Pray For Peace | Love One Another

There are many people who are skeptical about the Word of God, the Bible. They will say things like, “Prove it.” or “Since it was written by many different people it couldn’t possibly be true.” Gods Word is true and the Bible is true, you can prove it. (more…)


Learn How To Know Thy Enemy With God and Jesus Christ

Learn How To Know Thy Enemy With God and Jesus Christ Podcast

What The United States, England and Israel Have In Common

With the United States and England being sister nations of Israel, they will experience (as it has started already) the same fate as Israel has in the past (Old Testament). A nation cannot enjoy the blessings of God and also rebel against Him. God will withdrawal His blessings and curse the nation. (more…)
