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Icons Are Graven Images God Told Us Not To Make

Icons Are Graven Images Podcast

Refrain From Creating Graven Images

Deuteronomy 5:7-10, “Thou shalt not have strange gods in my sight. Thou shalt not make to thyself graven images, nor the likeness of anything, that are in heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that abide in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not adore them and thou shalt not serve them. For I am the Lord thy God, a jealous God.” (more…)


Trust in God With Faith and Grow Spiritually

Trust in God With Faith Podcast

Trust in God When Going Through Tests and Trials

Why do we lack faith and Trust in God? For those that do believe that there is a God, why do we say that we have faith in God as well as believe in Him, but turn around and the next crisis that comes along we begin to get stressed out, worry or fear the outcome of it? This is like taking your car to a repair shop that you don’t trust.

God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are there to help us get through our daily lives, grow spiritually, teach us how to overcome our hardships and go through tests and trials so that we can grow and learn from them to build up our faith and strength. (more…)


Enduring Hardships Takes Faith To Trust In God

Enduring Hardships Podcast

Enduring Hardships is Easier When You Have Faith

Do you truly Trust God? How strong is your faith? Is your faith strong enough to endure whatever hardships that may come your way?

Life is full of surprises and unfortunately some of those surprises can totally overwhelm us. So we have a choice to make when the surprises come and they are in the form of hardships. We can go the negative route and wallow in self-pity, become depressed, get angry, get stressed out, worry about or fear the outcome. (more…)


Putting Our Hope In God Instead Of Man

Putting Our Hope In God Podcast

Where We Put Our Hope is Important

When things aren’t going right we hope for change, but it’s where we put our hope that matters. We can put our hope in God or in man, one is wrong and one is right. Which one do you choose?

Many people don’t understand the nature of God or what this world once was before the fall of man. Many have become accustomed to living their life without the help of God and this goes for some of those that do believe in God. (more…)


Materialism Is An Unhealthy Practice For Your Soul

Materialism Is An Unhealthy Practice Podcast

Is Materialism Destroying Us?

Materialism seems to be a way of life with us. With stores, malls, strip centers and also the internet, we are flooded with every kind of thing for sale that we can imagine. I’ll bet that the average person will never even see 0.05% of all the items that are for sale.

Yet we acquire more things then we actually need and these are called wants. They are pleasing to the bodily senses in one way or another. (more…)


Believe In God and Lose Those Worries Fears and Doubts

Believe In God Podcast

Believe in God and Grow Spiritually

What is there to worry about if you believe in God? Usually there are only two outcomes to a situation that one worries about, a positive or a negative.

So, what it comes down to is people that worry always choose the negative outcome and they dwell on it and also fabricate all different kinds of outcomes. Why is this? Why can’t people choose to think about a positive outcome? It’s because that’s the way we are in our carnal self. (more…)


The United States and England Are Dying Nations

The United States Podcast

Man Seems To Corrupt Whatever God Made Good

The United States and England are in great turmoil and many people can’t even see it. They just go about living their lives like nothing is wrong. There is a lot more coming in the near future that we have to prepare ourselves for. If we don’t do God’s will, then we will have to go through these times of tribulation without the protection of God. (more…)


Get To Know God and Be Blessed With The Fire Of His Love

Get To Know God Podcast

Get To Know God By Seeking Him Out

God is probably one of the most misunderstood beings ever. People are always assuming that God is cruel or that He doesn’t exist at all. It’s funny that alot of the ones that don’t believe He exists are always the ones that show up in religious article comment boards or forums stating just that. (more…)


What Does The United States and England and The Roman Empire Have In Common?

The United States and England Podcast

The Roman Empire was one of the greatest empires that had ever existed. The United States and England were once great empires, but not any more. They are declining fast as they clothe themselves in immorality, corruption, spiritual decay and every other abomination that God despises.

Just as the Roman Empire doesn’t exist anymore, do you think that these two nations will wake up in time to save them selves from extinction? Only time will tell. (more…)


Preachers and Teachers Need To Be Tested

Be Careful Of The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Podcast

Do You Know Who Is Teaching You?

We need to be careful of the wolves disguised as men of God. They could be people like, preachers, teachers or anyone that attends Christian churches. They are out to rob you of your salvation and you may not even be aware of it. So, who’s fault is it if you listen to man instead of God, or Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit? (more…)


Who Is God?

Who Is God? Podcast

The Ten Commandments

Don’t Prejudge God

People have different opinions on “Who is God”. The ones that say that God is cruel will go to the Old Testament and cite passages like, when God flooded the world and all those innocent children were drowned or when He had the Israelites conquer nations and kill everyone in those nations and destroy all their idols. God has a purpose for everything that He does, you just have to look for it. Who is God? He is pure love. (more…)


How To Live A Happy Life By Thinking Positive And Changing Our Habits

How To Live A Happy Life Podcast

What Can We Do To Change Ourselves and The Way We See Things?

Live a Happy Life By Changing Your Environment

The environment that we live in plays a big role in how we live our lives on a daily basis and not just daily, but moment to moment. We have a tendency to adapt to our environment in such a way that our thinking process and how we re-act to circumstances become habitual and automatic. The environment can control whether we live a happy life or not. (more…)


Sanity or Insanity – How Do We Really Know?

Sanity or Insanity Podcast

Closing Our Carnal Eyes and Opening Our Spiritual Eyes

It’s strange how we see what is sane and what is insane. We call people who seem to be without reason and out of touch with what the world calls reality, “Insane”, but are they really? It all depends on how you look at it.

When we see things through our carnal eyes, we see things as normal and real according to the carnal mind, but how would you see the world if you were looking at it through your spiritual eyes? How do you understand the state of sanity or insanity and know what is Truth? (more…)


God Gave Us Free Will

God Gave Us Free Will Podcast

Why Free Will?

God gave us free will to chose to love Him or rebel against Him. What it means to rebel against God is to basically give in to our pride and choose the things that are an abomination to God.

When we choose our will over God’s will we travel on the road to self-destruction that leads us into the darkness, but when we choose God’s will we travel on the road that leads us into the Light which is eternal life and true peace which can only be found in God’s love. (more…)


Our Human Behavior Can Re-act In A Negative Way

Our Human Behavior Podcast

Why Our Human Behavior Has a Dark Side

We have a problem with people when they do something that interferes with our peace. We don’t like it and usually we act upon it in a negative way. Do people, places and things bother us sometimes that much that we have turn to the dark side of ourselves that cause us more pain and/or discomfort or angers us? (more…)
